A terrritory worth conserving
For several centuries, the Lac Tremblant wilderness region was part of the Weskarini Anishinaabe hunting and fishing territory. 

Joseph Commandant and his famly, the last Anishinaabe residents on Lac Tremblant, lived at the mouth of the Cachée River and had a hunting camp on Commandant Isle (now Cedar Island). The Commandant's left Lac Tremblant at the turn of the 20th century, about a decade prior to the formation of Lac-Tremblant-Nord in 1915. Joseph Commandant and his family lived off the land and famously said:

"If I want a hare, I have it; if I want a partidge, I will take one; if I want to feast on fish, I can get it. However the Canayens (Canadians), they always want pancakes"

Les Amis de Lac-Tremblant-Nord aspires to conserve the forested mountains of the Lac Tremblant region as a perpetual wilderness.